Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Vincenzo Militello (James V and Uncle Jim)

Vincenzo Militello was born in Terrasini Sicily 10 Sept 1892 he died in Bay City MI 25 Jun 1959 He is buried at St. Patrick's Cemetery (new section).  He is the son of Santo Militello and Rosalia Trentecoste

Vincenzo came to America in 1910 along with other members of his family.

I found 2 marriage records for Vincenzo and Rose Bosco. One is scribbled out, the other is the actual marriage record. I also have a certificate from Holy Family Church that states they were married 18th Jan 1919.  In the record below there is a note that says 1919. According to his obituary he was married Nov 1918

28 Oct 1918 scribbled Marriage record Detroit
This is the marriage record for Vincenzo and Rose

28 Oct 1918 Marriage record Detroit
I also found a World War I Draft Register for Vincenzo

World War I Draft 5 Jun 1917

I also found Vincenzo's World War II Old Man's draft card.
World War II Draft Card
Sometime in the 1920's the family moved to Bay City, MI Although I can not find a census record for them. I know there were living here sometime after 1921. I checked every census record for the 1st Ward and they aren't listed ...must have missed count day.

In the 1930 Census Jim and the family are living on Second street next door to the Bosco's
1930 Census
In the 1940 Census they are living on Adams Street across from the market
1940 Census page 1
1940 Census page 2

Vincenzo and Rose lost 2 daughter's, one in Detroit and one in Bay City, MI

Rosalie A Militello born 9 Jul 1930 in Detroit, MI died 10 Apr 1944 Bay City MI. she's buried in St Patrick's Cemetery next to her parents. I haven't gotten a copy of her death certificate yet.

And another Rosolia Militello she is buried at Mt Olivet Cemetery Detroit, MI Section 56, Tier 8, Space 948

Rosolia Militello 7 Jul 1921 to 29 May 1929
Rose Bosco Militello died in 24 Jun 1975 in Bay City, MI She is buried at St. Patrick's Cemetey (new)

Sources: Ancestry. Family Search and Seeking Michigan

Monday, December 11, 2017

Antonino Militello (Uncle Tony, Neno, Anthony)

Antonino Militello was born in Terrasini, Sicily on 21 Oct 1883 I don't have a date of death or final resting place as of yet. His parents are Santo Militello and Rosalia Trentecoste.

Census states he came to America in 1910 I can't prove that...yet

I found a World War I draft card with "Tony Militello" listed. I am pretty sure this is Antonino

World War I Draft Card 1918
I don't have a married date for Antonino but I found him in the 1920 Census living at 425 Lafayette Street in Detroit.  NOTE* on the census records it says "Antonio" 
1920 Census

I also found a 1921 Detroit City Directory that shows Tony Militello living at the same address I am pretty certain this is Antonino

1921 Detroit City Directory

In the 1930 Census Antonino is living on Dickerson Street, his wife's name is Josephine and he is working as a "huckster-fruit peddler" I am not 100% this is Antonino but it does fit the dates

1930 Census

The 1940 Census shows "Anthony" living on Parker Street, with his wife Josephine and still working as a Fruit Peddler. He also has a son Anthony Jr working at an auto factory

1940 Census

I also found an "Old' Man's Draft card from 1942 that show's Antonino living on Grey Street
1942 Draft Card
I also found a child that Antonino and Guiseppia lost in 1919. This image is bad quality 

Antonino Militello born 2 Nov 1917 died 24 Sept 19

Sources: Seeking Michigan, Ancestry, Family Search and

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Antonio Militello (Uncle Tony)

Antonio Militello was born 8 Dec 1887 in Terrasini, Sicily. He died in Detroit, Michigan 23 Nov 1961 he is buried at Mt. Oilvet Cemetery Section 23, Lot 878-A Space 2 His parents are Santo Militello and Roslia Trentacoste

He states he came to America in 1904 on the 1930 Census. I have yet to confirm his immigration year. He also says his birthday is 1892

He married Grace Bologia in St. Louis Missouri. I have yet to find a marriage record.

1930 Census shows Antonio and Grace living at 2666 Charlevoix Ave with his brother Paul working as a fruit peddler.

1930 Census
In the 1940 Census shows him and Grace still living at 2666 Charlevoix but with 10 kids!

1940 Census
Antonio and Grace lost a son Salvatore born 28 Sept 1922 died 19 Feb 1923
Salvatore Militello  Born 28 Sept 1922 to 9 Feb 1923
And another son Tony born 10 Feb 1920 died 7 Apr 1920
Tony Militello 10 Feb 1920 to 7 Apr 1920

World War I registration card I am almost certain is Antonio
World War I registration
Found Antonio's Obit published 23 Nov 1961
Anthony Militello 23 Nov 1961
I found the family listed in the 1921 Detroit City Directory. 
1921 Detroit City Directory

Grace Balogna Militello died in Detroit, Michigan, she is buried at Mt Olivet Cemetery Section 23, Lot 878-A. Space 3

Sources: Family Search, Seeking Michigan, Ancestry and

Maria C. Bosco Militello

Marie C. Bosco was born in La Calle Algeria 1 Sept. 1895, she died in Bay City Michigan on 03 Jun 1963. She is buried at St. Patrick's C...